Online recruitment: Statement of data protection

1.    OBJECT
The online recruitment system is a recruitment tool for online job postings, electronic applications and their computerised management. It replaces the traditional recruitment method, namely that of receiving and processing an application in paper form. From now on, the email will be used for the reception of application files, their processing and the exchange of correspondences with candidates. As part of the use of this system, the confidentiality of your personal data is of great importance to us. We therefore pay particular attention to the protection of these data. This confidentiality statement aims to ensure, during the recruitment process, adequate and consistent protection measures for the collection, storage and deletion of your personal data.  

During the recruitment process, our correspondence will be sent exclusively to the email address you used to apply online. As a result, we ask you to use the same email address for correspondence exchange throughout the application process. Thus, we would like you to note that if another email address were to be included in one of your application documents, we will ignore it. 

Your application file will be processed by ETEL S.A. only as part of a recruitment procedure for the position for which you have applied. The purpose of the processing is to determine whether you meet the requirements of the advertised position for possible appointment. These are Human Resources tasks such as evaluating and selecting candidates and making decisions about hiring an employee.

Your data will not be used for other purposes (advertising for example) than for the application procedure. 

In the event that we would like to keep your application for other purpose (future vacancy for example), we undertake to ask you before in writing your authorisation specifying the purpose, the possible recipients as well as the duration of conservation. Failing receipt of an authorisation from you within two weeks, your acceptance is presumed. 

Only authorised persons can consult your application file. It is the Human Resources Department and the line managers, i.e. the persons in charge of the post advertised. 

No information will be transmitted to a third party without your consent. 

At the end of the selection procedure, any unsuccessful candidate will be informed by email of the decision of ETEL S.A. The data will be automatically deleted, unless we would like to keep your application, especially for other possible vacancies, in accordance with paragraph 3 above. 

When your application is successful, as a new employee, your entire application file will be attached to your personal file, to form an integral part of it. 

If you do not wish to continue your application until the end of the selection procedure, you can withdraw it at any time by writing to us. 

Please send your correspondences by email to jobsetelch.

This email address can also be used for any question or additional request related to online recruitment.

By sending your application online, you expressly consent to the processing of the data by ETEL S.A. as set out in this statement. 


Môtiers, August 1st 2018



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