
Management system

ETEL has defined internal working rules in order to ensure compliance with international standards ISO 9001 (quality requirements), and current safety and environmental regulations.

The management system ensures that the processes, responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined. It also guarantees the compliance with the relevant directives, rules, regulations and standards. This management system is the precondition for the realization of our objectives regarding quality as well as occupational health and safety and environment.

The documentation of the management system is composed of internal regulations, directives, instructions and forms, together with product and process specific instructions. The quality department provides for a standardized terminology and form of representation.

All employees are autonomously responsible for compliance with the objectives of the management system and are supported by the Quality Management. Direction and Quality Management regularly analyze and evaluate the quality status of products and processes through a monitoring system based on customer information, product and process indicators and internal audits.

The objective of occupational health and safety is to prevent accidents and avoid work related health risks for the welfare of our employees. With regard to work conditions fit for human beings, the legal requirements, directives and standards constitute the minimum criteria.

Moreover, ETEL ensures the compliance with the current environmental laws, ordinances and regulations in order to preserve the surrounding community from any pollution.

Management declaration

ETEL technology (Motors, Electronic Control and Systems) and synergies with HEIDENHAIN technology (Measuring Systems, Electronic Control know-how and mechanical expertise) is contributing to the development of unique and leading Motion Positioning System products. ETEL guarantees its success on the long term based on its Vision, Value and Mission (VVM) policy.

To clearly and effectively translate the above VVM policy into daily practice, the management has defined internal regulations and directives that are binding policies for all employees. Every employee is expected to work and act on his own responsibility in compliance with the VVM policy.

ISO 9001 Certificate and ETEL Manual

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